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  1. › about-usHistory – WEST PAPUA

    Since then the people of West Papua have been campaigning for their legitimate ‘complete freedom and independence’ as enshrined in the UN Charter and UN resolution 1514 (XV) of 1960. With ongoing human rights abuses by the Indonesian military since 1962, the people of West Papua formed a liberation army, Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM), or ...

  2. May 10, 2021 · Peneliti menyebut penangkapan aktivis pro-kemerdekaan Papua Victor Yeimo, menyusul pelabelan teroris pada kelompok pro kemerdekaan TPNPB-OPM sebagai "kemunduran" solusi damai konflik di Papua.

  3. The Merdeka West Papua Support Network is a global campaign-coordinating network launched on March 27, 2017 in Davao City, Philippines during a study conference organized by the International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL) with Dewan Adat Papua, International League of Peoples' Struggle, InPeace Mindanao, Salupongan International, and Sandugo.

  4. Feb 21, 2021 · KNPB adalah Media rakyat yang mana merangkul mobilisasi masa demi visi misi Bangsa Papua dulu sekarang hingga selamannya.hidup KNPB.By kris douw

  5. Di edisi cetak, artikel ini terbit di bawah judul "Diskriminasi Rasial Pendorong Utama Aktivis Papua Ingin Merdeka". Rasisme Diskriminasi Perkebunan sawit Konflik Papua Nasionalisme Papua. Sebelumnya Selanjutnya. Indonesianis Sophie Chao soal dampak perkebunan sawit, rasisme, dampak kehadiran militer, dan aspirasi merdeka orang Papua.

  6. Feb 14, 2024 · Ratusan pengungsi Nduga, Provinsi Papua Pegunungan, mengaku hak konstitusional sebagai warga negara Indonesia direnggut karena tidak dapat menyalurkan hak suara pada pemilu 2024.

  7. Other articles where Free Papua Movement is discussed: Papua: History: …Indonesian rule, led by the Free Papua Movement (Organisasi Papua Merdeka or OPM), erupted almost immediately. The plebiscite took place in 1969, and, though the results were suspect, the area became the Indonesian province of Irian Jaya. The OPM continued to resist Indonesian rule, and violence broke out periodically. In…

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